Free Consultation (844) 428-4563

Our Services

We provide legal representation to individuals injured on the job with workers’ compensation claims.

Purely Contingent Fee

Contingent fee means you pay nothing unless and until the conclusion of a case or issue. At that time, the WCAB judge will typically award 15% as a reasonable attorney fee from the benefits award. We do not collect a fee on temporary disability unless it requires a trial/hearing. So, for example, if a case settles for $10,000, the attorney fees requested will be $1,500.


Temporary Disability

While off work due to a work-related injury, you are entitled to temporary disability compensation at a rate of 2/3 of your gross average weekly wage. We will help you fight for this benefit.

Medical treatment.

You are entitled to medical treatment to help cure or relieve the effects of an industrial injury at no cost to you. We will help you find the best doctors available and local to you.

Permanent Disability.

If your injury impairs your bodily permanently in any way, we will fight for a fair and appropriate rating of this disability, which will translate into monetary compensation.